Friday 7 June 2013

Top 10 Windows Shortcuts

Many of us spend major span of our day in using computer. We do many things on computer like creating files, copying text, pasting it, shuffling through various programs or we scroll through documents of hundreds of pages and many more things. We do this work with a lightning speed as it is routine work for us. We use mouse a lot to do all this work and many time we totally neglect keyboard totally. Many people think that keyboards are meant just for typing and they serve no other purpose than doing work related to typing. Well keyboard mainly serve purpose of typing, but it provides many more facilitates than just typing.  The other main use of keyboard is, to perform all tasks listed above by pressing specific sequence of just few keys.  This sequence of keys is called as shortcut in computer language. Here I’m going to list top 10 shortcuts that can increase efficiency of your work and can save your some time. See the list of following shortcuts: -

  1. Windows button (Home button) + D :- this shortcut minimizes all currently running programs.  To use this shortcut, firstly press windows key (second key from space bar on either side. This key has symbol of windows.); keep this button pressed. Then press D. this will minimize all running programs. It minimizes all type of applications including various software, internet browsers etc.

  2. Ctrl + C or Ctrl+ Insert: - this shortcut copies selected text. To use this shortcut, firstly select the text you want to copy, then press Ctrl button. Keep this Ctrl button pressed & then press C.

  3. Crtl + V or Shift + Insert: - it pasts copied text. To you this shortcut firstly copy some text using method given above or you may copy text using mouse also. Then select the position where you want to paste content. Then press Ctrl + v or Shift + Insert button.

  4. Ctrl + F: - it is used to find anything in any program. This shortcut opens a window, where you can enter a string or a word you want to search. Then after typing a word or string to be searched, press enter. It will show founded text with highlight or if search is unsuccessful, it will print some message.

  5. Ctrl + p: - this is well known shortcut for printing. Whenever you will press this shortcut, current screen content will get printed.

  6. Ctrl + Home or Ctrl + End: - these two shortcuts are used to point or move cursor either to start or end of document respectively.

  7. Ctrl + back space or Ctrl + Left / Right arrow: - while typing if you want to delete any word ( not a single character) you may use Ctrl + Backspace. This shortcut will delete whole word instead of single character. Similarly if you keep Ctrl button pressed and then you press either left or right button, a cursor will change position with one word at a time instead of single character. Pressing left button will move cursor towards left & pressing right button will move cursor towards right.

  8. Ctrl + S: - If you want to save any document or any data, you may press Ctrl + S. it will automatically save content & will overwrite previously stored data. If data has not been stored before, you will be prompt to give name to file to store content.

  9. Ctrl + Z/ Ctrl + Y: - The first shortcut can be used to undo any action; it will undo previously done action. Pressing this shortcut multiple times, results in undo of many previous actions. The second shortcut does exactly opposite or Ctrl + Z; I.e. it redo actions. This shortcut also can be used various times.

  10. Alt + Tab/ Alt + Esc: - you can quickly switch between open programs. This allows you to choose programs, it moves only in forward direction. While signing up for websites, you may use just Tab button to move forward in different textboxes. Ctrl + Tab is used to switch between tabs in a program.

TIP: - If you want to move backward while using Alt + Tab or Ctrl + Tab just add Shift key before sequence.



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