Monday 3 June 2013

How To add Likebox to Wordpress

Facebook has opened a wide range of marketing ways. Starting a Facebook page for website or blog or business provides great amount of publicity and traffic to website. Facebook page provides direct link to website and thus followers or people who are interested in viewing website of that page can go directly to corresponding website. Also visitors of website can see what is going on on the Facebook page of website. thus to achieve this  you will need to connect website with facebook page.

WordPress provides one of the easiest way to connect Facebook page and blog. to connect your WordPress blog to facebook page, follow these steps:-

  1. Go to 'Dashboard' of your blog.

  2. Select setting.

  3. Go to 'Sharing' section.

  4. Click on 'Add New Facebook Connection'

  5. Sign in your Facebook account which has Facebook page, you want to  connect to blog.

  6. You will be asked to add WordPress app to Facebook Account.

  7.  Select 'Go To APP'.

  8. Now you will see list of pages you own.

  9. Select page you want to connect to blog.

  10. Select 'Make this connection available to all users of this blog?'

  11. Press OK.

Now you have connected Facebook page and your WordPress blog. But you will not see Facebook page activity on your blog. For that you will need to follow these steps: -

  1. Go to 'Appearance'.

  2. Select  'Widgets'.

  3. Drag 'Facebook Like Box' on to sidebar area.

  4. Now give Title to it.

  5. Add address of your Facebook page in 'Facebook Page URL' area.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Done

now you can see Facebook page activity on your blog.

You can edit size of Like Box from Widgets menu.